CTM_14_ODETTE January 12, 2016


This year the National Gallery of Singapore is opening and within on the ground floor is the debut of chef Julien Royer’s new restaurant Odette, named after his grandmother - “I owe everything that I am to my family, especially my grandmother, Odette. She showed me how the most remarkable dishes can come from the purest ingredients and taught me the importance of adding that 'little something' to create dishes that excite the palate and fill the heart. Her devotion to people and ability to demonstrate love through food continue to inspire the Odette experience.”

Not only does the menu sound delightful, based on seasonal produce harvested from around the world and created into a modern French Dining experience, the interior and artwork especially is something to Oooooo over. Led by Singaporean artist, Dawn Ng, the overall creative direction stems from a deep understanding of Julien’s approach to his cuisine. Titled 'A Theory of Everything', the body of art explores the visual beauty of raw ingredients from Julien’s kitchen, broken down and re-imagined into a surreal universe of shapes and forms that float and settle, drift and pirouette. These deconstructed, magnified images of Julien’s most precious ingredients inform every aspect of Odette’s creative design, including the aerial installation – the centerpiece of the main dining hall. Simply Mesmerising against the muted colour palette of neutrals and soft pinks!











CTM_12_ODETTEImages via Odette. 



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